"I'm going to Disney World!"

There was a time when the merry pranksters at Disney paid athletes and other victorious folks to utter that sentence when asked how they'd celebrate the win. "I'm going to Disney World!" The phrase entered everyday conversations, eventually, like other catch phrases, becoming an ironic parody - 180 degrees from where it started. And it left popular conversation, as it had truly run its course.

Obama's "Yes We Can!" had that same real feel "I'm going to Disney World!" did. Now, not so much. And virtually nothing as it applies to drug policy. Today Obama appointed Michele Leonhart as the new DEA administrator. Leonhart has been an active drug warrior for 30 years, many of them spent inside the DEA. A Heartless bitch. And since Obama likes to multi-task, he also released the new Office for National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) budget. Seems like Afghanistan isn't the only war he's escalating. Not a bad day's work for a Nobel Peace Prize recipient.

Barack Obama openly acknowledged smoking pot and snorting coke. And for however long he did those drugs it seems fairly obvious he enjoyed them. Now he's president of the United States. But does anyone really believe Obama would be president now had he been caught back then? So if Obama and his crew want to continue using "Yes We Can!" as their mantra, they need to put an asterisk next to it. And the fine print should read: Just don't get caught.

Stay healthy and high when it helps