We're all "small-l" Libertarians

Most everyone believes in government and freedom, just in less of the former and more of the latter - which pretty much defines the small-l Libertarian. But the reason there's not more capital-L Libertarians is that the Libertarian Party has yet to successfully articulate their "less government, more freedom" message in ways that resonate with the electorate at large. And that was the theme of my remarks this past weekend at the Kentucky/Indiana Libertarian Party 2009 Convention. Considering the LP has since its founding taken a principled position against drug prohibition, it seems the perfect advocacy for these times and, therefore, the subject of my remarks.

Those who advocate drug prohibition do so through fear-mongering, claiming legal access to drugs will enslave our children and lead to an addict nation. And after 40+ years of this intense propaganda, it has become the prevailing concern of most Americans, even of many who believe our current drug policy is wrong. So telling the story and painting a picture of the American landscape in a post-repeal world is crucial for Libertarians if they want to grow and prosper as a political party. Telling that story and painting that picture is what I attempted to accomplish with my remarks. I'll have the video posted here in a couple of days for you to judge whether I succeeded.

Stay healthy and high when it helps