Let's all be gay for a day

I'm serious. I believe everyone in drug policy reform should be gay for a day. We're you as impressed as I when President Obama brought to the White House the who's who of sexual equality politics? And the event managed to remain a focus throughout several news cycles - a feat all the more impressive as it paralleled the saga of Michael Jackson's passing. I gotta tell ya, those folks can organize and lobby with the best of them. Very impressive. Of course, many went away with glasses half full. But that seems to be part of a disturbing Obama trend to provide more style than substance to socially "tricky" issues. But those advocating the cause did make it to the White House, something drug policy reform advocates have yet to achieve - and both movements began almost simultaneously 40 years ago.

That's why I believe drug policy reformers should be gay for a day, learn the ropes. Maybe then we could latch onto one of Obama's big ears and get our day in the White House.

Stay healthy and high when it helps