heading for the hills...

Right after tonight's program we're loading up and heading for the North Carolina hills. A crazy guy I've known for close to 40 years built a home up there, out in the middle of fucking nowhere. It's about as close to living with Nature as sleeping with a bear - which tend to be in the neighborhood. Anyway, it's a great place to howl at the moon. So, what better way to do the show tonight but invite on a special guest from North Carolina. Also crazy, but I've only known him for a few years. Sean Haugh is his name, and we met when I entered the race for the Libertarian Party's 2008 presidential nomination. In fact, Sean was the LP's national political director and one of the first guys I met. It was in D.C., where we spent some time together in a favorite bar and burger joint. We had similar interests, so we hit it off. We'll talk about his Insane Project, drug policy and other neat shit.

Stay healthy and high when it helps